Monday, November 16, 2009

Pet Peeve #1

Why is it that when people go grocery shopping they can't ever put the shopping carts away?  ooooo This gets me going every time.  If you are guilty of this please dont take offense.  :)

So we were out doing our regular shopping this past Saturday and its snowy and cold... So what does every one in the world do???  They leave their shopping carts every where... not only in parking spots or the medians but right in the way of people driving.  This only causes more frustration for all of us who are trying to park or leave the parking lot.  What does it take to put a cart away?  Maybe a whole 10 seconds..  Who's lives are affected by this laziness?  Drivers, Pedestrians, ME, The Dear Employees at These Wonderful Grocers, ME, ME  and yes ME again.  My wonderful husband learned of this pet peeve of mine back while we were dating and so he is wonderful and will walk the shopping cart to any cart return just to keep the peace LOL. 

What do I ask?  Quit being LAZY and return the cart! 

That's All! 


The Studes said...

lol... this drives me insane too! when I am out and I notice carts sitting nex tto my car I"ll grab them and put them in the cart return, people are soo LAmE!!

Jenna said...

Uh, I guess I better put my cart away...

You are soooooo cute Haylie.
I love you.