Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 where have you been all my life...

2010 was nothing short of an interesting year... A lot actually happened around our home and in our lives and of course I didn't blog about half of it!  Last year started out a little rough for our family but of course we worked through it.  Logan worked a 2nd job for a few months and I have gone back to work part time at Horrocks Engineers.  It is crazy how things unfold differently for everyone, and if we listen to that still small voice we will be guided where we need to go.  Fortunately for us, my part time job has been a huge blessing (tho there have been times I have been tempted to quit) but I feel like I was placed there for a reason... maybe I will share my insights on that on a different post. 

Larkyn turned 1 in May, we went on our first road trip... and surprisingly we didn't have to bust out the baby benadryl - OH dont even judge me... YOU KNOW YOU ALL DO IT!!  We painted our kitchen wall (finally!) and started staining the cabinets... but I dont even want to get started on that subject - SHEESH!  My brother flew in from Florida for a few days, Larkyn was a BYU Cheerleader for Halloween,  It was my busiest year for photography, We moved my mom into her casa, We DID have a Christmas this year and Santa made it to our home of course! And we found out that we will be adding 2 to our family this spring/summer.    I am sure a lot more happened around our home... but you know. 

There were millions of smiles, thousands of hugs, and hudreds of tears... But we survived 2010!  Here are a few pics!  - warning... picture overload!

1st bday party

Larkyn and her lil' cuz

Larkyn and my brother!

My mom, brother and Larkyn - You better believe we went bowling!


WHAT - Googly EYES!! 

Logan's sister Des - she is having a baby very soon!! 

playing at the park...

Day at the zoo

YES - she has a temper!

At the same time the best bed head!

She was chubby...

a diva

swimming friends!

And I took this tonight... :)  She is so cute!  Even tho there are days that her temper pushes me over the edge I still love her! 

So what will 2011 bring... 
I honestly feel like this last year I was too focused on me!  This fall I was so busy with photography that I feel like the months of August - November I wasn't even home... and I was missing out on my family.  Don't be mistaken... I loved that I was so busy and I soo appreciate the business, but I feel like I may have over done it.  Well then the news of 2 babies came and I am sure you are all sick of me talking about my babies, but You try being pregnant with 2 and see what else is on your mind.  :)  I feel like I need to be a mother and now is my time.  I don't want to be so stressed when these 2 come and I have 3 kiddos 2 and under.  I want to be at home with my family.  After all...
Home is not a place... its a lifestyle.  
I need to change my lifestyle.  Obviously school has been put on hold.  I have always had dreams of studying fashion and finally when I felt like the time was right... I was wrong.  Not the first time in my life.  I feel like I am almost being slapped in the face - HAYLIE You need to be a MOM ... So in order to get your butt into gear I'm gonna send you 2!  HaHa!  ok not really - but I am a true believer that things really do happen for a reason.   Oh and speaking of things that happen for a reason... I broke my lens to my camera.  I need to call around and get it fixed, but I still dont know how in the world it ended up in the laudry basket.  Well so for now all my shoots are being put on hold... whether or not it was meant to be I dunno... but to be honest... I kind of feel like some weight was lifted off my shoulders... at least for a little while! 
My goals for 2011...
- to be a better wife and mom, to capture those pictures of MY family and to actually document what is going on in our lives...
- to be a better friend... I know this was on my list last year but I still have some work to do. 
- to help inspire - I recently received an anonymous letter that I love.  Someone in my neighborhood obviously watches me and had the nicest things to say about me and she even noticed my photography.  I don't get a lot of compliments on my photography, so to me this meant a lot.  I feel like I should help inspire ALL of you women not only with identifying yourselves, but with other aspects in life as well. 
- Since fashion school has been put on hold I have decided to make a study time for me to continue to move forward in this direction.  I will be putting together a little somethin' to help consult women and their fashion struggles.  I figure I can almost assess any single women and identify what colors and shapes she should be wearing... why not put this to some use right.  I know I am not fashion savvy in my own dress, BUT I hope that this will change.  I see so many women who wear the wrong articles of clothing for their bodies and I always want to say something - not rude, but words of encouragement. 
- I want to be brave and learn to stand up for myself
- Along with that top one I want to be more honest... I am not a crazy liar, I just have a hard time being upfront with people and expressing my true feelings.  I want to be ME!
- I want to be healthy  - NOT SKINNY BUT HEALTHY ( there is a difference ) I hate it when I hear women talk about being a size 0 and how much/ or how little they weigh!  This past year was hard for me with my weight, but then I realized that I am happy the way I am and I just need to have healthier habits.  I dont want to weigh 100 pounds, or to look sickly skinny or unproportioned.  I hope that ALL women can realize there is more to life than exercising and eating less than my 18 month old. 
- I want to seek out better friends - It really is amazing what brings out true colors in people.  Logan and I have lost some of our closest friends this last year and I still don't know why... but I figure I need to surround myself with positive people. 
- Host at least 2 parties - I know this seems silly but I LOVE to host parties and to have good wholesome partyin' going on in my home. 
- I want to break some color rules- What you say- My mom is always ragging on my color choices for my home, but I love bright, vibrant, crisp colors and that is what I want to surround myself in So this year since my focus is more on home... I want to focus on making our home our home finally and being my true self.  Look out world! 

Yowza!  This ended up being way long!  Here is to 2011!  I know it's going to be a great year for my family and I hope it is for yours as well! 


Unknown said...

Don't be to hard on yourself. You are an amazing wife, mom and friend. I love your list of goals, you inspire me, always have, always will!!! I hope you don't think that you have lost a friend in me, because I'm stalking you!!!

Desirae Nicholas said...

Don't forget all the awesome friends that you have gained this year!! PS love the pics (not so much on my googly eyed pic ha ha ha)

Ann said...

Your so great! Can I be like you when I grow up? :) P.S. You can give me fashion tips whenever you want too, I will not be offened :)

Danielle said...

Ok now I need to make it up that way for family pictures AND fashion tips!!
Don't worry about talking about having twins, I'm sure that's all that would be on my mind too:)

Lindsay and Mike said...

You are awesome! Plain & simple!!! Love all your goals. I should take some of them and make them mine as well. Keep your chin up girlie! You rock!!!

love birds and a few chicklets said...

Thanks to ALL of you! You are sooo Sweet!