Monday, August 9, 2010


I have added the blog on Amber's behalf on my blog roll.  Please see future updates there!

Thanks everyone!


Amber's brain seizures have stopped but She is going to be in a coma for at least a few more days {maybe longer} just depends on how she reacts to the medication they are using.  They still aren't sure exactly what has caused this to come upon her...      

Please keep her family in your prayers.

I will continue to post updates here and on facebook as we get them.

Life is so unbelievably precious…
Late last night I got the message from my Relief Society President that my dear friend Amber was found unconscious and is now in the hospital. I honestly don’t know what happened to bring this upon her, but I do know that prayers are needed.
She is a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother to 2 young, beautiful kids, a sister, a daughter, a friend.
She is an amazing woman whom I admire with all my heart.
She is a woman who has been through a lot but still walks around with a smile on her face and a skip in her step.
She has a testimony of our Father in Heaven and it shows in her face and kind words.
She serves whole heartedly
She is a virtuous woman.
Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

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