Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what to do... what to do

What to do with my hair...  AHHH!!!

Ha!  That is seriously what my hair looks like after I tease it..  It scares Logan! 

This last picture was taken last year at Christmas.  I really like me with short bangs... but I am in a dilema.  Well...  Originally I wanted to grow out my hair again {I really miss my long hair} and will my long hair I wanted to try long bangs...  Well Long bangs are FRUSTRATING me and they arent even that long!  A part of me wants to tough it out to see what it will look like... and a part of me wants to cut short bangs again and keep my hair the same length and continue to let it grow.  What do you think?  I would appreciate any tips or help here.  I ask Logan and he is no help...  I say I want short bangs he says great... I say I want long bangs and he says greater!  =) 


Jessica said...

I personally HATE long bangs for myself. I hate that they are in my eyes or not quite long enough to tuck behind my ear. So my opinion is that if you want to do the bang thing - do them short or not at all!

Danielle said...

I think you should let your bangs and hair grow. Wait until summer time before you do any cutting and see what you think. I think long hair would be GORGEOUS on you, and short hair always gets the "CUTE".

Lindsay and Mike said...

Either way you are beautiful! I, personally, love my short bangs. They are so fun & I get so many compliments on them.