Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a new skill... poetry? :)

Dear Running

Oh how I miss you…
Early mornings with the sunrise
Late evenings with the sunset
Feet pounding into the asphalt
Sweat… Hills…. Heart Racing
As I watch the runners go by
Jealousy creeps into me
One day we will be reunited…
Hopefully sooner than later


Anonymous said...

That was a great 'poem'!! I don't love running, I just love it when I'm done :)

You will be reunited soon enough and you'll think, 'I enjoyed this?!'. Haha!


Lindsay and Mike said...

You are crazy! Haha! Just kidding. I hate running & it just amazes me that anyone would love it. But, I say good for you. I hope you & "your love" are reunited soon. Hugs!